Complete brand development for Scott Bailey Solicitors.
Brand design and signage for a high street boutique.
Complete brand design for Furneaux Riddall.
Brand development for the Exodus range of travel brochures.
Logo design for a local cricket club.
Brand design and advertising for a car sales company.
Logo design and advertising for a local garage.
Brand design for the Countryside Educational Trust based in Beaulieu.
Logo design for a software company.
New brand design and promotional gift box in the shape of an ambulance for Code Blue.
Logo design for Ballard School.
Brand design for Ballard School.
Simple design for small home based reflexology practice.
Logo design and exhibition graphics for a global IT company.
Branding and design work to illustrate a complete system of gas products. 
Brand overhaul for museum in partnership with the New Forest National Park.
Signage made from recycled stainless steel fire extinguishers.
Brand development for reply cards and shopping bags.
Logo design and styling for a marine design engineer. 
Logo design for a finance partner company.
Simple signature branding strip for the base of portfolio images.

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